Academic staff will be able to work without Latvian language for six years

A foreigner elected to a position of academic staff of a higher education institution, except lecturer and assistant, will be allowed to work for six years without adequate knowledge of the state language, according to changed to the Law on Higher Education approved by the Saeima on Thursday, October 24.

76 members of the Saeima supported the changes, eight were against. The draft law was initiated by the President of Latvia Edgars Rinkēvičs.

A person without adequate knowledge of the national language will be elected only once and for a period not exceeding six years, according to the amendments.

It is envisaged that a higher education institution will provide an opportunity for a foreigner elected to a position of academic staff to learn the state language. After the six-year period, the foreigner will be eligible for election to an academic position at the same or another higher education institution if he/she has obtained a certificate of proficiency in the state language to the extent specified by the Cabinet of Ministers. The Cabinet of Ministers must issue these regulations within two months of the entry into force of this draft law.

The authors of the draft law have pointed out that the requirements for proficiency in the national language are one of the factors influencing the openness of higher education institutions: "Several important studies have pointed out that the existing strict requirements may in some cases create obstacles to the international competitiveness of our higher education and science."

The Saeima overwhelmingly rejected a proposal by National Alliance MPs that foreigners should be obliged to learn the national language during the six-year period.

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