Over 1,000 forest felling permits revoked after court decision

Following the Constitutional Court's judgment declaring the felling of younger trees unconstitutional, the State Forest Service (VMD) carried out inspections in 5,874 forest stands and canceled tree felling certificates in 1,019 cases in a total area of 835 hectares, the VMD said.

Notifications of the decision have been sent to forest owners.

The VMD has established that 3.472 forest stands have already been felled in accordance with previously issued certificates. 866 stands meet the criteria set by the Constitutional Court and the forest owner can continue logging.

In 519 cases, the forest owners themselves, understanding the Constitutional Court's decision, have renounced the exercise of the right to fell trees.

In cases where the tree felling certificate is revoked, the forest owner has the right to receive the state fee paid for issuing the felling certificate, the VMD said. The owner should apply to the State Revenue Service for a refund of the state fee.

In the summer of 2022, the first government of Krišjānis Kariņš (New Unity) supported changes to the rules on felling trees proposed by the Ministry of Agriculture, essentially allowing younger forests to be felled.

In early April of this year, the Constitutional Court declared these changes unconstitutional and ordered that they be annulled.

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