375 people ordered to leave Latvia in first quarter of 2024

Eurostat figures published June 28 show that in the first four months of 2024, 375 persons were ordered to leave Latvia by the immigration authorities. 350 were actually returned to their country of origin during the same period.

By far the largest portion of those ordered to leave were citizens of Uzbekistan – 155 Uzbeks were told to leave.

65 of those ordered to leave were Russian citizens and 10 were Belarusian. 25 were from Tajikistan, 5 from Kazakhstan, 15 from Kyrgyzstan, 20 were from India, 10 from Georgia, 10 from Azerbaijan and 5 were from the United Kingdom, with the remainder coming from other countries.

Latvia's figure is down on the 575 ordered to leave in the previous quarter.

Non EU citizens ordered to leave, Q1, 2024
Non EU citizens ordered to leave, Q1, 2024

Looking at national data, the highest numbers of non-EU citizens ordered to leave the territory of an EU country were recorded in France (34 190), Germany (15 400) and Belgium (6 965).

France (4 205), Germany (3 950), and Sweden (3 135) recorded the highest number of people returned to another country.

Among non-EU citizens ordered to leave the territory of an EU country in this period, Algerian and Moroccan citizens had the largest share of the total, each with 7%, followed by Turks (6%) and Syrians and Georgians (each 5%). Among those returned to another country, most were citizens of Georgia (9%), followed by Albania and Türkiye (each 6%) and Colombia, Morocco, Algeria and Syria (each 4%). 



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