Security Service sees no issues with EP elections in Latvia
Security Service sees no issues with EP elections in Latvia
According to the State Security Service (VDD), the European Parliament (EP) elections in Latvia were held peacefully. The VDD has not detected any attempts to illegally influence the election results in Latvia, the service said in a statement June 10.
Ten unstamped election envelopes deemed accident
Ten unstamped election envelopes deemed accident
The Central Election Commission (CVK) has instructed to count the ballot papers in ten unsealed envelopes at the 81st polling station in Riga, according to information available on the Commission's website.
KNAB: Campaigning rules respected on election day in Latvia
KNAB: Campaigning rules respected on election day in Latvia
On the day of the European Parliament elections, Saturday, 8 June, the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) received 19 signals on possible violations of pre-election campaigning, but no violations were detected after checking them.
Dombrovskis gets most "thumbs up" from voters
Dombrovskis gets most "thumbs up" from voters
In the European Parliament (EP) elections, the leader of "New Unity" (JV) Valdis Dombrovskis received the most plus markings on ballots, while his party member Krišjānis Kariņš (JV) had his name crossed out the most, according to the preliminary results of the EP elections published by the Central Election Commission (CVK), LETA reports June 10.
Politicians question Latvian election body's transparency
Politicians question Latvian election body's transparency
Representatives of several parties in the Central Election Commission (CVK) are in disagreement with the decision of its head Kristīne Saulīte to entrust the collection of votes cast in the European Parliament (EP) elections to only two IT specialists, thus making the process opaque for the commission members, CVK member Ringolds Balodis told Latvian Television June 9.