Check out LSM's 'sorting' tool ahead of EP elections
Check out LSM's 'sorting' tool ahead of EP elections
Public media portal in cooperation with the Public Policy Centre Providus and the Dutch organization ProDemos - House for Democracy and the Rule of Law has created two tests ahead of the European Parliament elections in June to allow you to compare views and opinions on priorities and make an informed choice on election day.
No serious pre-election campaign violations so far in Latvia
No serious pre-election campaign violations so far in Latvia
As the European Parliament elections approach, the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) has so far detected 38 pre-election canvassing violations, KNAB Chief Jēkabs Straume told Latvian Television's Morning Panorama on May 10.
Latvia's election authority ready for EP elections
Latvia's election authority ready for EP elections
The Central Election Commission (CVK) is ready for the upcoming European elections in Latvia on June 8, CVK Chairwoman Kristīne Saulīte said in an interview on the Latvian Television morning newscast on May 9. Election commissions, precincts, and supplies of necessary materials are now in place.