Designs wanted for joint Latvia-Lithuania Expo Osaka pavilion

The Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA) has announced a design competition for the construction of a joint Baltic (Latvian and Lithuanian) pavilion at the international exhibition Expo 2025 Osaka, which will take place from 13 April to 13 October 2025 in Osaka, Kansai region, Japan.

""The exhibition will bring together 160 countries, 9 international organisations and more than 28 million visitors. It is an excellent opportunity to present Latvia and the Baltic region as an attractive place for trade, investment and tourism. The original plan was for all three Baltic States to attend. It was the offer made by the organisers, but Estonia is the only EU Member that has elected not to participate, so it is up to Latvia and Lithuania to represent the Baltics. With the Baltic Pavilion, we want to demonstrate the singularity of the region as well as its technological sophistication, so we are looking forward to creative ideas on how to surprise the world," said Iveta Strupkaja, acting director of LIAA.

The Baltic Pavilion will be housed in an existing building of just under 300 square meters, on the left hand side of the building, where the European Union Pavilion is also to be situated, while Algerian, Cambodian, Tunisian and Chilean Pavilions will be on the right.

The Baltic Pavilion aims to introduce both Japanese and international visitors to Latvia and Lithuania as a united Baltic region, albeit without the presence of Estonia. The Nordic countries have taken a similar approach. Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark and Iceland will form a joint Nordic pavilion at EXPO 2025. 

According to LIAA the main concepts they are hoping to communicate are summed up by the following phrases:

  • Environment: Connecting Worlds Apart;
  • Mindset: Ready for Any Challenges;
  • Progress: Natural Playground.

Meanwhile the over-all theme chosen for Expo 2025 Osaka is “Designing Future Society for Our Lives”.

Submissions are open from 10 May to 17 June.

Link to the Electronic Procurement System (EPS) website where the call for tenders can be found: EXPO Osaka 2025 Design Competition.

In addition to the Baltic Pavilion, EXPO 2025 will also feature an "extensive business program, where Latvian companies will have the opportunity to participate and foster cooperation with potential Japanese partners in various industry exhibitions, trade missions and other business-building events," LIAA says – though more details are not expected until the autumn.

Organizers of the Osaka 2025 event marked a year until its opening last week with a spectacular drone show, which you can watch below.


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