Rīta Panorāma

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Rīta Panorāma

Zīmju valodā. Rīta Panorāma

Intervija ar ekonomikas ministru Viktoru Valaini (ZZS)

Latvia's investment agency might dismiss 30 employees

The reorganization of the Latvian Investment and Development Agency (LIAA) could result in more than 30 employees losing their jobs, Minister of Economics Viktors Valainis (Greens and Farmers Union) said in an interview on Latvian Television's "Morning Panorama" on October 21.

The reorganization of the LIAA could be completed in the next few weeks, Valainis said. 

The number of employees at LIAA could be reduced by more than 30. The rest of the staff could see their salaries increased and incentive funds created, for example, rewarding employees for attracting a large investor.

"Both the number of staff and responsibilities will change. We are planning to make significant staff reductions, but at the same time, there will be significant salary increases for those who remain. The workforce will be concentrated on investment and exports," Valainis said.

In the area of investment, the number of staff is set to triple. 

"The changes will be very big, the number of departments will be significantly reduced, which is currently close to 20. The authority will undergo major changes and also a new head," the Minister said.

The Ministry of Economics unveiled plans to reform the LIAA in the summer of this year. Valainis said that the functions of the authority would be revised to focus on investment attraction and export promotion.

The post of LIAA director has been vacant since late September last year when Kaspars Rožkalns left. Raivis Bremšmits, Deputy State Secretary for Economic Affairs at the Ministry of the Economy, was appointed as temporary director of LIAA.

A record number of 52 candidates applied for the post of LIAA Director, and as a result Valainis was offered a choice between two finalists, Baiba Bļodniece and Fredis Bikovs. 

However, the minister said he would like to see more information on the shortlist, as the offer did not match what he expected from the commission, LTV's "De facto" reported at the time. The State Chancellery, however, pointed out that they were prevented by law from disclosing such information to the Minister. As a result, the Minister decided to terminate the competition for the post of Director of LIAA without result.

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