Freight transit to be banned on Pērnavas Street, Rīga

As of November 1, transit traffic of freight vehicles will be banned on Pērnavas Street, Rīga City Council said October 18.

The installation of the necessary road signs is scheduled to start on Monday, October 28, and be completed by Friday. The Rīga Municipal Police will warn offenders during the first week and then start administrative proceedings with fines.

At the beginning of the year, Rīga underwent major changes to its traffic organization, banning transit traffic of freight vehicles through the city center.

The changes included a two-way ban on Akmens Bridge, Krasta Street from Salu Bridge to Ģenerāļa Radziņa Embankment, from Ģenerāļa Radziņa Embankment to 13. janvāra Street, 11. novembra Embankment from 13. janvāra Street to Vanšu Bridge, and Eksporta Street from Vanšu most to Hanzas Street.

Later, transit traffic of goods vehicles was banned in the Torņakalns neighborhood.

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