EP party ratings in Latvia: National Alliance retains leading position

The National Alliance remains the leader in Latvia's resident polls shortly before the European Parliament elections on Saturday, but a total of eight political forces would overcome the 5% barrier, which would divide the nine seats of Latvian representatives in the EP, according to the latest ratings compiled by pollster SKDS for Latvian Television.

The survey took place in late May and early June.

Right-of-center National Alliance retains its leading position in the ratings, with 11.9% of voters choosing it in the poll, an increase of almost a percentage point. The second place is retained by centrist New Unity - 9.4% of respondents promise to vote for it, an increase of 1.3 percentage points compared to the previous poll.

In third place is sociodemocratic Harmony with 6.8% and a slight drop. Populist Latvia First is fourth with a slight increase. 6.2% are ready to vote for them.

For Latvian Development also has a 1.3 percentage point increase and 5.5% support. United List has a slight drop in popularity and 5.3% of the votes polled, while the Progressives have a drop of 1.2 percentage points and 4.7% support.

For Stability! sees a slight drop and a 3.5% rating, while the Greens and Farmers Union gained 2.7% support with a slight drop compared to the previous data.

Sovereign Power has a slight drop and 2.2% of respondents are now ready to vote for them. The Alliance of Young Latvians has increased its rating by 0.7 percentage points to 2%.

The Center Party, whose list is shared with the politicians of the Latvian Russian Union, has 1.5% support and a slight drop. The New Conservative Party has lost 0.5 percentage points of support compared to the previous poll and now has 1.2% of the electorate. The Movement "For!" has under one percentage point of support - 0.8%, the "Power of People's Power" - 0.3%, "People. Land. Statehood" - 0.3%.

16.7% of respondents did not provide a clear answer, while 18.9% said they do not plan to vote.

What would the election results look like if voters voted the way they did? These results are also calculated taking into account voters' commitment to vote.

The National Alliance would lead, with New Unity, Harmony, Latvia First, Latvia for Development, United List, Progressives and For Stability! passing the 5% barrier.

In this case, 8 parties would share 9 seats.

The closest to five percent are the Union of Greens and Peasants and Sovereign Power.

But it should be recalled that this is just a poll and who will actually win a seat in the European Parliament will be decided by the voters on Saturday.

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