Šlesers, Bartaševičs to join forces for municipal elections

The party "Latvia First" (LPV), founded by MP Ainārs Šlesers plans to run in next year's local elections together with the party "Together for Latvia", founded and led by former Rezekne mayor Aleksandrs Bartaševics, according to a statement by LPV to the media.

LPV and Together for Latvia are planning to sign an agreement on cooperation on Saturday, May 18 at the Latgale Embassy "Gors". The agreement will be signed by Šlesers, Chairman of the Board of LPV, and Bartaševics, Chairman of the Board of "Together for Latvia".

Thus, "the parties will join forces, professionalism, experience and competence of the people working in the parties to cooperate and submit joint lists of candidates for the 2025 Latvian municipal elections", the LPV statement says.

Former mayor of Rēzekne Aleksandrs Bartaševičs is currently accused of failure to disclose financial information in official statements and of classified information disclosure.

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