Second warmest May ever recorded in Latvia

This May was the second warmest since meteorological observations have been carried out in Latvia, according to the Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Center.

The average monthly temperature in the country was 14.4 degrees, the same as in May 2013 and behind only 2018,

The warmest May on record had an average temperature of 15.3 degrees. The climatic norm for the average temperature in May, or the 1991-2020 average, is 11.4 degrees.

The coldest May on record was in 1927 at 6.3 degrees.

The hottest day of the month was May 28, when the temperature in Ventspils reached 30.1 degrees, the first day in Latvia to reach the 30-degree mark this year. At the beginning of the month, however, the temperature managed to dip below freezing for a while. The morning of May 9 was the coldest, with temperatures reaching -5.5 degrees in both Madona and Zosēni.

In the second half of May, thunderstorms were frequent and in many places also brought disasters - intense downpours that caused localized flooding, large hailstorms, and strong gusts of wind also caused damage.

The warm weather caused vegetation to grow faster than usual. By the end of May, most of the lilacs had already flowered, but in the last few days of the month the linden trees started to bloom.


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