National Alliance leads in Latvia's EP party ratings in May

The European Parliament (EP) elections will take place in June, with 16 lists of candidates. A survey by pollster SKDS and Latvian Television asked Latvian residents who they would vote for if the EP elections were held in May.

A fifth – 19.2% are undecided. 

But among those who know their choice, the right-of-center National Alliance is in the lead with an increase in its rating compared to the previous poll conducted in March, while centrist New Unity is in second place.

The National Alliance has the highest support among potential voters - 11%, an increase compared to the March poll. New Unity is in second place with a drop. 8.1% promise them a vote. Third is Harmony, which has 7.1% in May and is up on the previous poll. Progressives are also up, with 5.9% of potential voters backing them in May. The "Latvia First" party has a similar 5.8% support and is also up. The United List is the sixth most popular choice in May, with 5.7% of voters giving it their vote in the EP elections, an increase compared to March. For "Latvian Development", the support of 4.2% of potential voters is down. For Stability! is also down, with 3.7% ready to vote.

Taking into account whether the respondents would vote in the elections at all or not, if the elections were held in May, eight parties would break the required five percent barrier: National Alliance, New Unity, Progressives, Harmony, Latvia First, United List, For Latvia's Development and For Stability!. These forces would also share Latvia's nine seats.

Meanwhile, the other eight political forces would remain behind the 5% mark and still need to cultivate voter support to enter the European Parliament. The closest to the barrier are Sovereign Power and Greens and Farmers Union. 

The poll was conducted from May 10 to 15 and 1,505 Latvian citizens were interviewed.

If you are among those undecided, you can try out our candidate sorter or party sorter.

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