Siren check in Latvia on May 20

On Monday, May 20, from 10:00 to 10:08, alarm sirens will be activated for three minutes throughout the country to check the procedure for activating the national early warning system and its operation, as well as to detect damage, the State Fire and Rescue Service (VUGD) said.

For the first time, users of the "112 Latvija" app will also receive a notification about the alarm siren check.

The VUGD said that this time, during the 3-minute test, the sirens will sound a wave-like signal, which means that the siren will sound for 5 seconds, followed by a pause, and then a repeated 5-second signal and pause. A different type of signal was previously transmitted.

Also, for the first time, a notification will be sent to users of the "112 Latvia" app when the sirens are activated. This will allow testing the app in real conditions and identify necessary improvements to the app.  

For Ukrainian civilians in Latvia, mobile operators will send a text message about the planned test of the alarm sirens.

The VUGD reminded that there is no reason for citizens to worry and no further action is needed as this is a routine siren test.

If residents have not been warned in advance about a siren check, upon hearing the siren, they should switch on their TV and radio sets or other devices, such as mobile phone receivers (Latvian public media - Latvian Television channels LTV1 and LTV7, or Latvian Radio broadcast channels) to receive information about the reason for their activation and the necessary action to be taken.

The VUGD checks the sirens once every six months. This is necessary to verify the technical readiness of the early warning system - the technical condition of the sirens, possible damage or malfunctions of the sirens, as well as the performance of the contracts concluded between the VUGD and the electronic media (radio, TV) that will inform the public in the event of a threat.

The VUGD invites hotel authorities to inform their foreign guests about the forthcoming siren test in order to avoid unnecessary worries.

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