Latvia celebrates 31 years of restored independence

Take note – story published 3 years and 1 month ago

May 4 brings another year of small, private events marking the restoration of Latvian independence 31 years ago as the coronavirus has forced the cancellation of large-scale gatherings. Nevertheless there are plenty of online events also available for those feeling the need for some community spirit.

On 4 May 1990, the Supreme Council of the Latvian SSR ratified the Declaration On the Restoration of Independence of the Republic of Latvia and renewed the Latvian Constitution that had originally been adopted at the Latvian Constitutional Assembly on 15 February 1922

President Levits led the way, urging the nation to "remember how united we can be in crucial moments, how much strength and foresight our nation has."

Foreign Minister Edgars Rinkēvičs followed suit with a tweet making sure the international community was aware of the date, too.

Those wishing to join the celebrations might like to try donning folk costume or binge-watching Latvian movies in a cinematic marathon. Another option would be to tune in to our colleagues at Latvian Radio 2 as they play exclusively Latvian-language songs all day.

Residents of the capital city can check a variety of May 4 events at the website which include a musical retro-tram car that will be roaming the streets throughout the day.


May 4 declaration history.pdf


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Families may hold "white tablecloth" events in which they gather around a table and enjoy a state-of-the-nation discussion while they eat and drink -- while remembering to follow the current epidemiological advice regarding public gatherings.

History buffs might like to recall the events of May 1990 in this short documentary and indeed the whole 'Keys To Latvian History' strand, or read this handy history of the significance of May 4 (downloadable attachment also provided, right). 

However and wherever you mark the occasion, warm May 4 greetings to all LSM readers around the world.

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