EP elections unlikely to change Latvian government, says expert
EP elections unlikely to change Latvian government, says expert
There is no reason to believe that the results of the European Parliament (EP) elections will immediately affect the composition of the coalition and, consequently, the government in Latvia, said Lelde Metla-Rozentāle, lecturer at Riga Stradiņš University and political scientist, in an interview on Latvian Television May 24.
Saeima to consider law on pre-election debate language
Saeima to consider law on pre-election debate language
On Thursday, May 23, the Saeima referred to the committees a proposal by opposition MPs to determine by law that pre-election debates are held only in the official language – Latvian. The draft law still needs to be considered in three readings.
LTV cancels planned EP election debates in Russian
LTV cancels planned EP election debates in Russian
Sigita Roķe, Editor-in-Chief of Latvian Television (LTV), in consultation with the LTV Editorial Board, has decided to cancel the planned European Parliament (EP) pre-election debate in Russian on the public media portal
Pre-election party spending totals €1.88 million so far
Pre-election party spending totals €1.88 million so far
Since the beginning of the pre-election campaign period on February 10 to May 21, the parties and their associations running in the European Parliament elections have spent a total of EUR 1.886 million, the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) said Wednesday, May 22.
Low turnout looks likely again in Latgale for European Parliament elections
Low turnout looks likely again in Latgale for European Parliament elections
On June 8 the European Parliament (EP) elections will take place in Latvia. In the previous elections five years ago, the lowest turnout of the population in the whole of Latvia was in the Dagda district, where only 17.5% of the population went to the polls; in some parishes in the district, the number of voters did not exceed a few dozen people, reports Latvian Radio.
National Alliance leads in Latvia's EP party ratings in May
National Alliance leads in Latvia's EP party ratings in May
The European Parliament (EP) elections will take place in June, with 16 lists of candidates. A survey by pollster SKDS and Latvian Television asked Latvian residents who they would vote for if the EP elections were held in May.
LTV asks state bodies not to interfere with EP election content
LTV asks state bodies not to interfere with EP election content
On May 13, the State Language Center (VVC) said in a public statement that it does not support the intention of the Public Electronic Mass Media Council (SEPLP) to hold a session of the European Parliament pre-election debates on public television in Russian.