Belgian film archive screens Latvian documentaries

Take note – story published 9 years and 2 months ago

The CINEMATEK Royal Belgian Film Archive in Brussels is hosting a series of Latvian documentary films as part of its biannual focus on the EU member state holding the Presidency of the Council of the EU.

Beginning Wednesday and lasting until May 29, the CINEMATEK film library will screen works by some of Latvia’s legendary documentary directors, selected by Latvia’s National Film Center and the Latvian Embassy to the Kingdom of Belgium.

The program will feature a masterpiece by Herz Frank – his Ten Minutes Older (1978) documentary short – as well as Laila Pakalniņa’s first feature film The Shoe (1998). The screenings will also include several documentaries by Juris Podnieks: Constellation of Riflemen (1982), Is It Easy to Be Young? (1986), and End of an Empire (1991).

Kids will have the opportunity to enjoy The Three Musketeers (2005), a puppet animation film by Jānis Cimmermanis, and jointly produced by Latvia and Denmark.

Then on 27 May the BOZAR Centre for Fine Arts in Brussels will welcome Latvian director Dāvis Sīmanis with a screening of two of his latest documentaries. The Chronicles of the Last Temple (2012) tells about the construction of the new National Library of Latvia building and Escaping Riga (2014) is a story about the friendship between two legendary Riga-born personalities – the film-maker Sergei Eisenstein and the philosopher Isaiah Berlin.


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