'Krasta City' plan revealed for riverside Rīga

Take note – story published 2 years and 6 months ago

A half-kilometer-long public promenade along the Daugava, improved public transport, a pedestrian bridge, well-maintained bicycle infrastructure, a Class A business complex consisting of office buildings and a multi-functional center with shops, restaurants and cafes: such are the things being promised by a new Rīga development project, though it remains a long way from realization.

The project, dubbed “Krasta City” will "create a new lifestyle quarter" and "give new breath to the Daugava embankment, making it one of the liveliest parts of the city," claim the developers of the business complex - the Estonian real estate company Hepsor.

Making better use of the Dauagava embankments has long been discussed  by residents and officials in the Latvian capital, and the developers say this will be one of the main benefits delivered by the project.

"One of the most important aspects of the project, the main beneficiaries of which will be the residents and guests of Riga, is the improvement of the promenade for half a kilometer. It will serve as a socializing point - a place to take an active rest or enjoy the landscape offered by the urban environment in the nearby recreation
areas. The promenade will also serve as a link between the building and the city's infrastructure, allowing the bank of the river of Daugava to be reached not only by transport, but also on foot, by bicycle or electric scooter, promoting environmentally friendly mobility."

The “Krasta City” project is planned to be implemented in seven phases, building 180,000 square meters of usable space over 10 years and investing more than 150 million euros. The local planning of the project is currently being developed, which is scheduled to be completed by the second quarter of 2022, in order to start construction design next year and after that in 2023 will come the first stage of construction works.

Publicity images provided to give an idea of the project are certainly impressive, showing tall buildings topped by lush greenery sparkling beneath an azure sky as a coxless four hoves along the shimmering waters of the Daugava. A circular mini-marina is a particularly eyecatching feature.

Whether the finished quarter will closely resemble this picture in a decade, only time will tell.

'Krasta City' development plan
'Krasta City' development plan

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