Rīga heating tariffs expected to double next winter

Take note – story published 2 years and 1 month ago

The Rīga heating company 'Rīgas siltums' thermal energy tariff could rise by nearly 110%, and one megawatt-hour could cost as much as €155 in the next heating season, Latvian Television reported May 31.

The Rīga heating tariff for a megawatt-hour is currently EUR 74.07. It was considered high this winter, but in anticipation of next season, the company is calling on residents to save up. 

“For the new heating season, the price of gas of Latvenergo could be linked to around €100, so our tariff could be around €155,” said Birute Krūze, board member of Rīgas siltums.

A heated discussion arose in the meeting of the Housing sub-committee of the Saeima on Tuesday. It is clear that aid will not be provided to everyone in the next season, but it is yet to be determined how to implement targeted aid.

Meanwhile, the Rīga housing manager company Rīgas namu pārvaldnieks (RNP) is worried about possibly cutting off heating for many homes next winter. The manager proposes to correct the Cabinet regulations and to prescribe that heating must be connected to all houses whose debt does not exceed 80%.

“If there was such a regulation, only 76 homes would not be connected in Riga. Accordingly, the majority of homes would be connected,” said Raimonds Dzintars, spokesman for RNP.

The Ministry of Economics will continue to push for changes to Cabinet regulations. More aid could be granted to those with less heat consumption.

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