Latvian car plates could feature coat of arms

On Thursday, June 6, the Saeima referred to the Committee on National Economy, Agrarian, Environmental, and Regional Policy amendments to the law "On the State Coat of Arms of Latvia", which are intended to include the state coat of arms in the number plates of Latvian vehicles.

The amendments to the law have been drafted by the United List MPs Andris Kulbergs, Edvards Smiltēns, Raimonds Bergmanis, Edgars Tavars, and Lauris Lizbovskis.

The amendments to the law provide that the small national coat of arms may be used on the national registration plates of motor vehicles and their trailers. 

Kulbergs, the initiator of the amendments and President of the Automobile Association, has previously stated that the aim would be to "strengthen Latvia's image and promote a sense of belonging to the country among vehicle owners". 

Similar innovations were introduced in Lithuania last October, where the Lithuanian coat of arms will now appear on number plates next to the vehicle registration number.

The amendments to the law still need to be approved by the Saeima in three readings before the national coat of arms can be included on vehicle registration plates. 

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