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Lielākajā daļā Rīgas ielu remontdarbi pabeigti

Mayor says Rīga has done well with street repairs

This street repair season can be considered a good one, Rīga Mayor Vilnis Ķirsis (New Unity) told Latvian Television on Thursday, October 24. 

This year, 128 streets in Riga were to be resurfaced, including 38 with asphalt resurfacing. However, as autumn approaches, it is clear that 30 streets will be finished this season. Meanwhile, 86 of the 90 gravel streets planned for this season have been improved.

"The problems, as always, are underground. Network reconstruction, which runs in parallel and fails to be completed within the planned timeframes. Consequently, we are unable to carry out the work efficiently on the parallel streets so that insurmountable traffic jams do not form. So there is a rescheduling," said Ingūna Urtāne, Acting Director of the Riga City Council's Department for Outdoors and Mobility.

Many streets did not include pavements in the renovation, but the municipality promises to change this next year.

This year, the most extensive resurfacing is taking place on two sections of Kārļa Ulmaņa Avenue - from Jaunmoku Street to Gramzdas Street and its parallel lane, and from Gramzdas Street to the city border. The total area to be renovated in both sections is almost 172 thousand square meters. Currently, 98% of the work has been completed on both the section from Jaunmoku Street to Gramzdas Street and its parallel lane and the section from Gramzdas Street to the city border. On these sections, entrances and shoulders are still being constructed and horizontal road markings are being laid.

Around €27 million worth of work has been completed this season. It is likely to reach the planned €30 million by the end of the season. The work is expected to be fully completed in mid-November.

Next year, the same level of work is planned, with a particular focus on pavement renewal.

It is planned that at least 19 asphalt streets or sections could be rehabilitated next year, including Kleistu Street, Uzvaras Boulevard, Firsa Sadovnikova Street from Lāčplēša to Katoļu Street and Jaunciema Avenue. 

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