Check whether your car is ready for the Latvian winter

Take note – story published 2 years and 7 months ago

As of December 1, winter tires are mandatory on all vehicles. In eight cities of Latvia there will be an opportunity to check your vehicle for free to see how well the car is prepared for winter roads – whether the tires are adequate, lights adjusted, wipers of high quality, Latvian Radio reported.

Last year, about 700 cars were tested in a similar campaign. More than half of the cars had a variety of flaws that many drivers didn't even know about. Mostly, there were issues with the quality of winter tires.

“Tires often do not correspond to the conditions we have outside at the moment. According to the law, there are winter tyres from 1 December. The minimum retread layer for the winter tire shall be 4 millimeters [..] However, if, for example, we have passed a test of tires of 4 millimeters in the autumn, this means that these tires will already be under these 4 millimeters in the coming months,” said Jānis Vanks, head of the Safe Driving School.

Free car checks will be available in:

  • Rīga: December 1, Anniņmuižas Boulevard 25a, and December 11, Jāņavārtu Street 21
  • Jelgava: December 2, Brīvības Boulevard 1
  • Ventspils: December 3, Rūpniecības Street 4
  • Liepāja: December 4, Esperanto Street 2/8
  • Valmiera: December 7, Ausekļa Street 26
  • Rēzekne: December 8, Atbrīvošanas Alley 143b
  • Jēkabpils: December 9, Rīgas Street 218G
  • Daugavpils: December 10, Ventspils Street 28
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