Trips abroad by Latvian residents dropped sharply last year

Take note – story published 3 years and 1 month ago

According to the latest data published June 14 by the Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) in 2020 the number of trips abroad has fallen by 71.1 % and comprised only 0.7 million. 

Expenditure thereof reduced by 75.7 % and comprised EUR 194.6 million. In 2020 only every ninth trip was made abroad (in 2019 – every fourth). 34.4 % of respondents had to cancel the previously planned trips abroad due to the restrictions imposed by COVID-19 pandemic.

Last year residents of Latvia went on 0.3 million same-day trips abroad, 71.5 % less than in 2019, spending EUR 12.6 million, which is 78.2 % less than a year ago. In their overnight trips most often Latvian residents went to Lithuania (73 %) and Estonia (25.4 %). The average expenditure per same-day trip decreased by EUR 15, reaching EUR 48.9.

Last year Latvian residents went on 0.4 million overnight trips abroad, which is 70.8 % less than a year ago. Most popular destinations of overnight trips abroad were neighbouring countries Estonia (20.8 %) and Lithuania (12.5 %). Also residents of Latvia often went to Germany (11.1 %).

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In 2020 the share of trips abroad by air reduced by 14.1 %, but the share of trips made by passenger car or motorcycle increased by 14.5 %.

In 2020, total expenditure of overnight trips abroad comprised EUR 182 million, which is 75.5 % less than in 2019. Most of the money was spent on transport (35.8 %), accommodation (27.4 %), catering services (18 %), entertainment and cultural activities (6.2 %) and other expenses (12.7 %).

In 2020, 3.1 million nights were spent in trips abroad, which is 65 % less than a year ago. 63.7 % of nights were spent in rented accommodation or accommodation for fee, but 36.3 % of nights were spent at free of charge accommodation, mainly at relatives or friends (drop of 4.6 %). Average length of a stay during a trip was 7.2 days – 1.2 days more than in 2019.

By demographic indicators women (59 %), residents aged 34-34 years (27.9 %), residents with higher education (52.8 %) and employed (74.9 %) mostly went on trips abroad.

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