Acting chair takes seat at helm of broadcast regulator

Take note – story published 8 years and 6 months ago

Aija Dulevska on Monday was voted to become the head of the National Electronic Mass Media Council (NEPLP). Previously she was the acting chairwoman of the council, reported Latvian Radio's Ivo Leitāns.

As well as acting as broadcast watchdog with the power to take action if illegal or inappropriate material is broadcast, the NEMMC is also in overall charge of the funding of public broadcasting in Latvia, including the LSM news portals in Latvian, Russian and English.

Four out of five board members voted for Dulevska's candidacy. Only Ainārs Dimants voted against.

There were two candidates - Aija Dulevska and Dace Kezbere - for the post. 

The council will vote for a deputy chairman on January 7. Dulevska said Kezbere will be the main candidate.

Dimants was earlier booted from the post of chairman by Saeima and then ordered to be reinstated by the court, which ruled Saeima's earlier decision illegal.

However as he was sacked as a board member not as chairman, he was only reinstated to the board and not to his former post. 

The proceedings for firing the NEPLP board started on June 17th, 2015 when leaders of four Saeima factions, including the leading Unity party, the Regional Alliance Party and the Greens and Farmers Alliance filed a submission for the dismissal of the entire council.

The broadcast authority was criticized for inefficient spending, increasing Russian programming on the radio, and 'losing face'. 

In the end, only Dimants was dismissed from the council.

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