Elected Unity member declines Saeima seat

Take note – story published 9 years and 8 months ago

Saeima Speaker Solvita Aboltina will probably take an MP’s seat in the 12th Saeima after all, as elected candidate Janis Junkurs announced Tuesday that he is declining his third place on the Unity electoral list from the Kurzeme constituency.

Junkurs told LSM that he has chosen instead to accept a job offer in another country and relinquish his elected MP seat to the next name on the Unity electoral list, which is likely to be Solvita Aboltina.

Junkurs had disappeared from public view soon after the October 4 election results were announced, leading to speculation as to his health and political motives, all of which he set to rest in his public statement.

“I wish to thank every voter in the Kurzeme region who supported Unity and me personally, however in light of a job offer in another country I have decided to decline my mandate to the 12th Saeima,” he wrote in his statement.

“I apologize to every voter who has doubted their choice of support for me and Unity because of the public speculations that have emerged as a result of my decision,” Junkers went on.

On her part, the 11th Saeima Speaker had no harsh words for her colleague, instead expressing her full intent to assume her parliamentary mandate if the election results so demand.

“It’s each person’s individual choice whether to accept or decline an elected mandate,” she told Latvian Radio. “I’ve received the trust of my fellow party members – the board and the council both urged me to continue my work. In light of that it would be completely irresponsible for me not to accept the mandate,” she said.

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