KPV LV leader objects to having Greens and Farmers Union in cabinet

Take note – story published 5 years and 7 months ago

KPV LV party leader Artuss Kaimiņš objects against including the Greens and Farmers Union (ZZS) in the cabinet, reports Latvian Radio.

Kaimiņš, who together with PM nominee Aldis Gobzems is the most visible figure in the party, said that this is his personal opinion, adding that he thinks it unimaginable that ZZS would become part of the new cabinet.

He said that it would also amount to breaking election promises and that he has informed the party's Saeima faction about his opinion.

"I think we are able to make a stable, working government with four parties. It is my personal opinion, and the faction still has not voted over the offered model," Kaimiņš said.

Nevertheless he did not reveal whether he plans to actually vote against a government that includes ZZS.

Both Kaimiņš and the party's PM candidate Aldis Gobzems denied that this amounts to a split within the party, though Kaiminš' comments came just hours after Gobzems insisted he wanted ZZS within his coalition.

With Gobzems attempting to stamp his authority on the government formation process and present himself as capable of being prime minister, the fact that he was apparently unaware of objections to his strategy even from within his own party will do little to enhance his chances.

As reported, on December 6  Gobzems gave a deadline to the New Conservative Party (JKP) to decide whether or not to join his proposed coalition government.

Speaking on LTV's Morning Panorama show, Gobzems said JKP have until Saturday evening to say yes or no to his plan, which foresees a five-party coalition comprising his own KPV LV party, JKP, the National Alliance, New Unity and ZZS.

From their formation, through the election campaign and into coalition talks, the New Conservatives have continually insisted they will not work with ZZS, which they regard as an oligarch-controlled party with corruption issues.

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