Masks at schools will be worn if COVID prevails

Take note – story published 3 years and 7 months ago

If there is a reduction in the incidence of COVID-19 in Latvia, the requirement for pupils to wear masks at school could be reviewed, the Saeima deputy Jānis Dombrava (National Alliance) told Latvian Television December 7.

According to Dombrava, if the society complies with the restrictions, the first improvements would be seen by Christmas, but the infection rate could have already decreased in January.

The leader of the New Conservative Party, Jānis Bordāns, said that the rule on masks for young children was adopted professionally, taking into account the epidemiological situation and the field of education.

This week, the government does not plan to impose any new restrictions, but there is no reason to review the ones already adopted, such as the requirement for masks for children. Prime Minister Krišjānis Kariņš (New Unity) said that the government is following the advice of experts closely and that pupils could learn without masks after the winter holidays only if COVID-19 rate is reduced.

"Changing safety measures is something that do we very carefully, in cooperation with our country's epidemiologists and expert advice, only when the situation is so safe when it would no longer be necessary [could we change the decision]. Nothing at the moment suggests this. The rules so far have really been recommended by epidemiologists to reduce the possibility and risk of transmission for all of us," Kariņš said.

As reported earlier by LSM, it has been stipulated that from January 4 all pupils should wear masks at school. Over 19,000 signatures were collected asking to lift that requirement.

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