PM Kučinskis: Right-of-center parties should be able to form new government

Take note – story published 5 years and 9 months ago

Prime Minister Māris Kučinskis said Saturday night that based on the results of exit polls, right-of-center parties including his own Greens and Farmers Alliance (ZZS) should be able to form the next coalition government.

However he was cautious  about reading too much into the exit poll numbers.

"First of all, thanks to all who participated in these elections," Kučinskis told LTV at the Agriculture Ministry where the party was holding its election-night party.

"Of course we have to wait until we get the actual results, but at the moment it is quite clear that the parties of the right have taken a large share and in my opinion, the one which is in first place will be able to be tasked with forming a government."

Asked if he thought that would be himself, the PM replied: "I am not thinking about that at the moment. We simply have to wait for the results. The vote of his own part may have suffered because it was trying to push through important reforms in areas such as healthcare, education and taxation, the results of which would only be properly seen in the longer term, he explained.

While the process of government formation is never easy, right-leaning parties should be able to work out a viable coalition, he said. 

He also said he regretted the populist tendencies of some parties, adding: "If we look at the pre-election period, then it's been dominated by unrealistic promises... but I have no regrets about the work we have done. I take responsibility and I will take responsibility too if the results are bad."

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