President Rinkēvičs promises he'll prompt action on national security, competitiveness and energy

Now more than a year into his four-year term as State President, Edgars Rinkevičs has already sent several legislative prroposals to the Saeima, and in an interview with Latvian Television's "What's happening in Latvia?" he promises to send more.

 In the June 19 program "What's happening in Latvia?" he revealed that he was thinking about the possibility of instigating amendments to the National Security Law. 

Explaining why it might be necessary to change the procedure for examining Latvia's National Security Concept, Rinkēvičs stated that, according to the currently established procedure, neither the National Security Council nor the Saeima have the right to amend the draft concept developed by the government. "It seems wrong to me," said Rinkēvičs, adding that he learned about the content of the concept last year only after it was approved.

The President said he plans to listen to representatives of the military industry, including drone manufacturers, in order to understand what is currently hindering the development of the industry in Latvia. "It is clear that the Ministry of Defense has a lot of tasks to do at the same time. It is clear. It is clear that there must be dialogue, cooperation and simple cooperation with companies and entrepreneurs. We have also talked about this with the Minister of Defense. He has explained, that in one case or another it has been the case that the Ministry of Defense or the National Armed Forces say: 'We don't really need what they are offering us, we need something else.' I understand that, but talk it out!"

On the other hand, the State Competitiveness Commission, which was established last October and is headed by Professor Arnis Sauka of the Riga School of Economics, will come up with specific proposals for the necessary improvements to support start-ups and innovative companies "closer to the end of the year".

Also, Rinkēvičs said he has not yet "given up hope" for an Energy Strategy, the necessity of which has been discussed for several years, to appear by October of this year. "Then I will hold another conversation in the [Rīga] castle," the president promised in response to Jānis Domburs' questions.

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