Levits: Latvia's internal security services need more attention

Take note – story published 1 year and 7 months ago

A higher emphasis should be placed on strengthening Latvia's internal security services, the President of Latvia, Egils Levits, said in an interview on Latvian Television on December 22.

“The absolute first priority is national security: it is both external security, which we have talked about a lot, and where we have really reached a good level. Our National Armed Forces are really high quality, it has been achieved over the last eight years. Also at NATO level, Latvia is judged very high, the training, professionalism of our soldiers,” Levits said.

The President noted that the complete opposite situation is with the internal security services.

“They have not been given the relevant attention for a very long time. I have said many times that we now have a much higher emphasis on internal security and strengthening internal security services, police, border guards and so on. I think that should be taken into account in the new budget,” the President of the State said.

When asked about the statements made by individual politicians in relation to Russia and the support expressed by individual citizens (in connection with the State Security Service's warning to the political party For Stability!), Levits said that some people who had previously supported close ties with Russia had changed their minds, but those who still support Russia have got more radical, resulting in an increase in work of the State Security Service (VDD).

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