President Vējonis' popularity shoots up

Take note – story published 9 years ago

Raimonds Vējonis has grown in popularity during the first weeks of his presidency, according to data obtained by Latvian Television from the Latvijas Fakti research agency and published on Saturday.

Social media are flooding with images where the new president is singing, dancing and playing basketball, but that is not the only testimony to Vējonis' increasing popularity. Surveys back the perception too.

About 21% and 34% answered, respectively, "positive" or "mostly positive" to the question "What is your perception about the performance of the President of Latvia Raimonds Vējonis?". In contrast, "mostly negative" and "negative" was at 10% and 4% respectively, while a third weren't sure about what to think of the new president yet.

Compared to last month's data, about 17% more view the president favorably:

And here's a chart that shows the perception of the citizen population - it seems then that Vējonis is similarly popular among both residents and citizens.

President Vējonis took office on July 8, 2015. Here's a story from Vējonis' inauguration day, featuring a short biography and an overview of his chancery. 

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