Rail Baltica parliamentary investigation commission formed

On Thursday, June 20, the Saeima approved the composition of the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry on Rail Baltica.

It was approved unanimously by the Saeima, with 97 MPs voting in favor.

Concerns were raised earlier about the decision of the National Alliance (NA) to nominate former Transport Minister and MEP Jānis Vitenbergs to the Commission. Then, the NA abandoned this plan and nominated Arturs Butāns to the Commission.

The other members of the commission are Kristaps Krištopans (Latvia First), Ģirts Štekerhofs (Greens and Farmers Union), Andris Kulbergs (United List), Skaidrīte Ābrama (Progressives), Atis Labucis (New Unity) and Amila Saļimova (For Stability!).

The Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry into the mistakes made in the Rail Baltica process was set up a week ago. 

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