Cabinet reshuffle confirmed by Saeima votes

Take note – story published 3 years and 1 month ago

The now-four-party Latvian coalition government managed to get new ministers installed June 3, but not without lengthy debate and some severe criticism in Saeima debates.

As a result of the ejection of the KPV LV party from the previous five-party coalition and a parallel move to oust Education Minister Ilga Šuplinska from her own party, several new appointments were made. 

Marija Golubeva (Development/For!) becomes Minister of the Interior, Jānis Vitenbergs (National Alliance) returns as Minister of Economics after defecting from KPV LV, and Šuplinska (New Conservatives) is replaced by party colleague Anita Muižniece.

Šuplinska has said she is leaving the New Conservatives with immediate effect as a result of being ousted.

The debate on allowing Gatis Eglītis (New Conservatives) to take up the Minister of Welfare portfolio was the last on the agenda but followed a similar course with the coalition managing to muster a majority thanks to the votes of several of the 18 currently unattached deputies, many of which are themselves former KPV LV representatives and may want to show their willingness to support the government with one eye on next year's Saeima elections.

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