Saeima Speaker: 95 of 100 MPs have a Covid certificate

Take note – story published 3 years and 1 month ago

95 out of 100 Saeima deputies have a certificate of vaccination against Covid-19 or recovery, the Saeima Speaker Ināra Mūrniece (National Alliance) told Latvian Television September 2.

The Council of Factions agreed that members should present either a valid Covid-19 certificate or a negative Covid-19 test to participate at the Saeima meeting. Mūrniece said she 'hopes that Members will comply with the rules'.

On Thursday, September 2, the autumn session of the Saeima began. It was stopped at 11 AM since one Member had shown up without a Covid-19 certificate. Latvian Television reported that this was opposition Member Aldis Gobzems, who was recently fined for organizing unauthorized gatherings against 'forced vaccination'. 

The Saeima meeting was then moved online. 

The Saeima Speaker said that the most important issues in the parliament during this session will be the state budget, the situation with migrants at the Belarus border, as well as the cessation of shared ownership in multi-apartment houses. Mūrniece also plans to discuss the option of compulsory vaccination against Covid-19 for certain population groups, which has currently been put aside. 

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