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Mūžībā aizgājusi ilggadējā "Panorāmas" žurnāliste Mirdza Tupiņa

Policisti Latgalē cīnās ar karu slavinošiem simboliem

Police in Latgale fight against war-glorifying symbols

The Latgale Division of the State Police has detected three separate incidents of Z's being painted on buildings or road signs during the week. Criminal proceedings have been initiated for the use of Russian symbols of aggression and war in Balvi municipality, Latvian Television reported October 7.

At the end of September, the letters Z were smeared in green paint on roadside signs. This is the symbol that Russia uses to mark its weapons. There is no longer a scribble on this particular stretch of road, but you do not have to look far: a bus stop a few dozen kilometers away has a Z scrawled on it.

The State Police (VP) took note of Latvian Television's discovery, saying they would check.

The letters Z are not the only symbols of military aggression for which people have been prosecuted.

"From time to time we see George ribbons. If we talk about social networks, people post various photos with all kinds of inscriptions and symbols," said Guntars Kračus, head of the Criminal Investigation Division of the North Latgale Police Station.

A month ago, a sticker on a car in Rezekne - a star with a Kalashnikov - attracted the attention of the police. The police are ordering the symbols to be removed, while municipalities are instructed to do so in public places. Often, however, the paint used to paint the Z fades.

"These are public places, open spaces. On the walls of buildings or, as you said, on bus stops or road signs. If we are talking about the internet environment, people often post on Facebook, maybe without even thinking about their actions, about the consequences they face for doing so," said Kračus.

Such actions are punishable by a fine of up to €350 or, if the crime is motivated by glorifying war, Russian aggression, one may also have to face trial. The police did not disclose whether they have any suspects in the case.

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