Security Service cracks down on 'Baltic anti-fascists'

Take note – story published 1 year and 7 months ago

On November 28 this year, the State Security Service (VDD) initiated criminal proceedings relating to anti-governmental activities in channels on the Telegram communication application by people calling themselves “Baltic anti-fascists”, the VDD said.

According to VDD, these Telegram channels collect information about Latvian officials and other public persons whose activities are directed against Russian interests. Sensitive information is also published in channels, such as their likely place of residence and family members. The so-called “anti-fascists” point out that the information is intended to be transmitted to the Russian special services and other authorities of the aggressor in order to take action against them.

Criminal proceedings have been initiated on the basis of the features of a criminal offense provided for in Section 81.1 of the Criminal Law, i.e. assistance to a foreign state in an action directed against the Republic of Latvia.

The information available to VDD shows that Latvian nationals currently living in Russia are involved in the anti-governmental activities. Russia uses these persons to implement propaganda and influence measures against the Republic of Latvia, according to VDD. The main objective of these activities is to influence the public opinion and decision-making process in Latvia by exerting psychological pressure against Latvian officials, as well as other people known in society, who are actively targeting Russia's aggressive war in Ukraine in their political and public activities.

“We can point out that VDD has identified the identities of the Latvian nationals involved in anti-governmental activities. When these persons arrive in Latvia, procedural actions will be taken against them,” said the service.

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