Former Central Market head sentenced to prison

Take note – story published 1 year and 7 months ago

Riga City Court of Latgale suburb on Monday sentenced several former Rīga Central Market officials and employees to deprivation of liberty for embezzlement and abuse of position, LETA reported February 28.

Anatolijs Abramovs, former Chairman of the Riga Central Market Board, has been sentenced to three years and six months in prison, and is deprived of the right to take office in the State and local authorities for a period of three years.

The former head of the company's procurement commission Vitālijs Litvins has been sentenced to probation for a term of three years.

A former company employee, Jānis Zuševics, has been sentenced to one year in probation. The court also decided to recover EUR 1,860 from Zuševics in favor of the State for the work carried out by a sworn advocate for the provision of legal aid to the Court of First Instance.

Romāns Fjodorovs, a former employee of the company, has been sentenced to one year in probation.

The fifth accused, Jānis Veners, has also been found guilty but he is deceased by now.

The judgment can be appealed to Riga Regional Court.

According to former reports by Latvian Television, the case on embezzlement and abuse of position was linked to payments of traders for trading spaces in the central market.

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