Foreign Ministry condemns fighting flare-up in Ukraine

Take note – story published 7 years and 5 months ago

Latvia's Foreign Ministry condemns the fighting flare-up in Eastern Ukraine and asks for an immediate ceasefire to prevent a humanitarian crisis, the ministry said Wednesday.

"From January 29 fights have resumed between Russia-backed separatists and Ukrainian armed forces. Ukrainian positions in the town of Avdiivka, Donetsk region, as well as its vicinity is being subjected to heavy fire. Ukrainian soldiers and a large number of civilians have died in the bloody events. The region has limited access to heating, water and electricity so the locals' lives are severely threatened," the ministry told the press.

"We call for putting an end to the gunfire in the region so that the Ukrainian government could start work on preventing a humanitarian catastrophe," said Latvia's Foreign Ministry.

"This is an evident proof that Minsk agreement requirements are not being adhered to. We condemn the use of artillery, restricted under the Minsk agreement," said the ministry.

According to AFP, separatist rebels shelled Avdiivka, a town of about 16,000 people, with repeated rounds of multiple rocket systems and artillery fire from early on Sunday morning.

This has left thousands of people without access to utilities under freezing conditions and has sparked an international response.

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