Two exam leaks recorded this school year in Latvia

This year, two cases of leaked exam questions have been recorded - in mathematics and English, Normunds Rečs, Director of the Evaluation and Analytics Department of the State Center for Education Content (VISC), said in an interview on the Latvian Radio program "Labrīt" June 20.

The English exam questions were previously published on the social network "TikTok", while in mathematics a leak was suspected in Latgale. The State Police has been informed about these cases.

Rečs said that even before the exams, in cooperation with the police, preventive actions were taken to prevent the exams from being leaked. "At the moment the State Center for Education Content has information about two situations for which the police have initiated actions," Rečs said.

At the same time, Rech stressed that there had been no "huge disasters" that would significantly affect the overall results of the exams.

A total of 114,664 exam papers were submitted to the VISC this year, some 4,000 more than last academic year. The results will be announced on July 1 for grade 9 and on July 11 for grade 12.

"We are doing everything to ensure that the quality of the examination results is adequate, a lot of homework has been done to ensure that there is improvement this year. We are paying a lot of attention to checking the results and also preparing the certificates," Rech said.

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