Infectologist Dumpis: situation in Latvia is "solidly bad"

Take note – story published 3 years and 3 months ago

The incidence of Covid-19 is not falling significantly and Latvia has plateaued “solidly badly”, said infectologist Professor Uga Dumpis in an interview with Latvian Radio April 12.

Whether people observed restrictions over Easter holiday, whether they were gathering and contributing to the spread of the disease, will be possible to judge by the morbidity data starting Tuesday, taking into account the incubation period of the disease, Dumpis said.

But for the time being, it appears that the morbidity is not falling, although specialists previously expected it to decrease. For two months we have been “more or less solidly badly in the same place,” Dumpis said.

He also said that more than 70% of all cases of Covid-19 are currently the most contagious type, the so-called British type, and in this context more Covid-19 patients are suffering severely in hospitals, including more patients aged 20-39, Dumpis said.

If restrictions are lifted, there may be "trouble coming" over the next 1-2 months, so one should be very careful until at least 40%-50% of the population has been vaccinated in Latvia, and then we will be able to say that we have avoided the third outbreak, said Dumpis.

He also stressed that in May, when more vaccine supplies are planned for Latvia, if there is no delay and real mass vaccination begins, summer will be very good, and Latvia will be able to lift the restrictions.

“I look optimistically at the situation, but the optimism is based on vaccines, let's see how they are going,” Dumpis said.

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