Latvia is 'back in December' with morbidity rates, says SPKC

Take note – story published 3 years and 2 months ago

Covid-19 morbidity rates in Latvia have returned to the level of the beginning of December 2020, when the healthcare system went into a state of emergency, according to Disease Prevention and Control Center (SPKC) said May 10.

During the first eight weeks of 2021, the incidence of Covid-19 decreased in Latvia, but the following 9 weeks since the beginning of March showed an increase in the number of infections. The 14-day cumulative number of cases per 100,000 inhabitants started rising at the beginning of April and has increased to 459.5 Monday and is in line with last December's epidemiological situation.

The average daily number of cases detected last week was 612. On May 7 the number of Covid-19 positive cases reached even 1,036.

The number of patients needing hospital assistance has decreased slightly, but the number of patients with severe symptoms has risen to 12.4% (11.7% a week earlier).

The reproduction factor (R) of the Covid-19 infection is also increasing, currently at 1.05 (a week earlier it was 1.04), which continues to indicate an increase in the spread.

SPKC recalls Covid-19 prevention measures: hand hygiene, correct use of face mask, ventilation, working remotely, limited assembly, and not going out in public with signs of respiratory disease.

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