Many families with children returned to live in Latvia in 2020

Take note – story published 3 years and 6 months ago

Rīga region in 2020 saw the return of 260 remigrants who plan to stay in Latvia for good, Rīga planning region representative Inese Ozoliņa said January 12.

Families with young children of pre-primary and primary school age returned most, followed by young people who have chosen to return to Latvia during the pandemic, said Inese Ozoliņa.

"Although the last year has been equally complicated in foreign countries and Latvia due to the pandemic, the interest of remigrants in returning to Latvia did not diminish. This is due to the fact that, because of insecurity, some of these people preferred Latvia, with safe environment, family and friends. For some, the main factor was the economic impact of the pandemic," said Daina Šulca, coordinator of remigration in the planning region of Rīga.

Most – 66% – remigrants are interested in returning to Rīga, linking it to more job opportunities and access to housing. Experience has shown that the most pressing issues are finding jobs, housing, pre-schools and schools. The psychological support of the remigration coordinator and the issue of learning the Latvian language is also important, because after many years of absence there has been a lack of awareness and uncertainty about the first steps and integration.

In 2020, remigrants have returned from Britain, Germany, Scandinavia, Belarus, Russia, Austria, Switzerland, the Dominican Republic, France, the U.S., Canada, New Zealand and others.

In 2018, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development (VAR) launched a pilot project “Regional Remigration Coordinator” carried out by five regional coordinators in the planning region of Riga, Kurzeme, Latgale, Zemgale and Vidzeme. Riga Planning Region is one of the implementers of this function.

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