The share for people at risk of poverty was higher at 7.6%. Compared with 2021, the situation improved by 0.3 percentage points (pp) (2.7%) for total population and by 0.8 pp (8.4%) for people at risk of poverty.
In 2022, the difference between total and at-risk-of-poverty population in terms of capacity to afford an internet connection was also visible across EU countries: the highest share of people at risk of poverty unable to afford an internet connection was recorded in Romania (25.0%), followed by Bulgaria (20.5%) and Hungary (16.5%). On the other hand, the lowest shares were recorded in Denmark and Finland (both 1.0%), followed by Cyprus and Luxembourg (both 1.5%).
The figures suggest that even though the risk of poverty in Latvia is relatively high, internet connections are reasonably affordable. Only around 9% of those at risk of poverty cannot afford an internet connection, and only 2.5% of the general population. Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Slovakia all rank worse than Latvia in this regard, though neighbors Estonia and Lithuania both rank better.