Quarter of Latvian population at risk of poverty

Take note – story published 1 year and 1 month ago

Around a quarter of Latvia's population remains at risk of poverty or social exclusion, according to Eurostat figures published June 14.

In 2022, 95.3 million people in the EU (22% of the population) were at risk of poverty or social exclusion, i.e. lived in households experiencing at least one of the three poverty and social exclusion risks: risk of povertysevere material and social deprivation, and/or living in a household with very low work intensity. The figure remained relatively stable compared with 2021 (95.4 million, 22% of the population).

The shares of people at risk of poverty or social exclusion varied across the EU countries in 2022. The highest values were reported in Romania (34%), Bulgaria (32%), Greece, Spain and Latvia (all 26%). On the other hand, the lowest shares were recorded in Czechia (12%), Slovenia (13%) and Poland (16%).

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