Air police up for another Russian spy plane

Take note – story published 9 years and 4 months ago

Italian Air Force Typhoon jet pilots on duty for NATO's Baltic Air Police (BAP) scrambled Friday afternoon to intercept another Russian spy plane coming close to Latvian airspace over the Baltic Sea, the now familiar Ilyushin IL-20 or 'Coot' in NATO jargon, the National Armed Forces (NBS) tweeted.

The Russian air force's 'coots' have been encountered skirting the edges of the airspace of the Baltic countries on a regular basis for almost a year now, as their air routes between St. Petersburg and Russia's Kaliningrad naval-base enclave tucked against Lithuania on the Baltic coast take them directly along the radar-monitored borders.

The most recent NATO BAP intercept of an IL-20 was on February 12, just two weeks ago.

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