CEEPS launches Latvian "disinformation" monthly update

Take note – story published 4 years and 5 months ago

Latvia's Center for Eastern European Policy Studies (CEEPS) has launched a new monthly bulletin gathering together all the inaccurate, misleading, nasty and silly things some people are saying about Latvia.

Since December 2019, the project “Disinformation Campaigns against Latvia, the EU and NATO: Exploring Narratives” has been ongoing at CEEPS and now the first results are in, with the main attention given to how "Pro-Kremlin-minded media outlets use US sanctions against businessman and politician Aivars Lembergs [pictured above] to tarnish Latvia."

"The terms "seizure", "panic", "economic disruption", "worst crisis" and others, are also regularly used. Misleaders focus on the risks and ignore the benefits of sanctions against A.Lembergs for the development of transparency of political processes in Latvia," reported CEEPS.

The full research is available to download at the CEEPS website allowing everyone to bone up on how we are apparently all U.S. puppets perpetually on the verge of economic meltdown despite the rather contrary evidence of our senses. And statistics.

The project is supported by the International Republican Institute (IRI), CEEPS notes, adding that the Internet media is routinely scanned using “Versus”, a media monitoring tool developed by IRI. At the end of each month, an analysis of the aggregated data is going to be prepared and will be made available to a wider audience by CEEPS.


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