Confirmed: Latvia a nation of readers

Take note – story published 8 years and 4 months ago

Latvia is the 9th most literate nation in the world according to the Central Connecticut State University World’s Most Literate Nations top, lending credence to the notion that Latvia is a nation of readers.

The top measures not reading ability but rather the population's literate behaviors and their supporting resources.

The first five places are taken by the Scandinavian countries - Finland, Norway, Iceland, Denmark, and Sweden.

Latvia ranked second in the 'Libraries' category of the rating for its sheer number of libraries and the number of volumes inside.

Latvia also did well in the 'Newspapers' section as apparently Latvians haven't lost the taste for print media and the online versions thereof.

However the country fared worse in terms of its education system and the percentage of households with a computer.

Estonia took 14th place, and Lithuania ranked 31st. 

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