Crisis kits to be distributed during emergencies

Take note – story published 8 years and 7 months ago

Basic necessity goods like personal hygiene products, blankets, clothing and matches will be provided to residents of Latvia in case of emergency, according to the Economy Ministry's regulations approved by the Cabinet of Ministers Tuesday, reported LETA.

The government passed the regulations regardless of objections by the Environmental Protection and Regional Development Minister Kaspars Gerhards that the regulation would not attain its purpose.

The regulation is meant to establish the legal framework for providing residents with basic goods in the wake of any major emergency or situations dangerous to the state and residents.

According to the Economy Ministry's estimates, the approximate cost of the basic provisions is EUR 77.03 a month for residents up to two years old, EUR 39.83 a month for residents two to 18 years old, and EUR 61.91 a month for adults.

The regulation provides lists of basic provisions for children, youths, and adults. It says that in case of emergency, the Cabinet of Ministers will decide the sources of funding for the supply of basic provisions to residents.

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