While Sweden ranked highest in its citizens’ positive disposition towards immigration as compared to any other EU member state (72% favoring non-EU state immigration and 82% favoring internal EU immigration, respectively), Latvia’s results showed a preponderance of distinctly negative attitudes towards the issue (63% against internal EU immigration and 79% against non-EU state immigration).
While their surveyed citizens were not as starkly opposed to the acceptance of immigrants in their societies, Lithuania and Estonia nevertheless showed sizable percentages of negative attitudes (61% and 71% respectively opposed to non-EU immigration; 36% and 40% respectively against internal EU immigration).
The segments of the surveyed respondents answering favorably in the Baltic states were as follows:
- 4% very much in favor of internal EU immigration; 28% quite in favor
- 2% very much in favor of immigration from non-EU states; 14% quite in favor
- 6% very much in favor of internal EU immigration; 47% quite in favor
- 2% very much in favor of immigration from non-EU states; 17% quite in favor
- 11% very much in favor of internal EU immigration; 48% quite in favor
- 4% very much in favor of immigration from non-EU states; 28% quite in favor
A tableaux of the Eurobarometer survey's annex can be viewed here (in Swedish).