More than 100 drunk drivers busted over Midsummer festival

Take note – story published 9 years and 1 month ago

More than 100 drivers were caught drunk at the wheel over the Midsummer holidays from June 20 to 24, State Police said Wednesday.

Police reported that 98 of the drivers caught driving under the influence had been using alcohol but two have been held on suspicions of driving under the influence of drugs.  

In addition, the road police patrols also wrote 170 speeding tickets to offending motorists during the period.

The most spectacular lawbreaker was a driver arrested near Liepaja on June 23 who recorded a blood alcohol level of 5.5 promiles - 11 times over the legal drink drive limit. His actual level of intoxication may have been even higher, police explained, but 5.5 is the maximum level police alcohol meters can actually display.


Reibums un neapdomība: pagājušajā diennaktī nepatīkama statistika.Pagājušās diennakts statistika liecina, ka reibumā...

Posted by Valsts policija on Monday, 22 June 2015


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