Municipal minister to sack Rīga mayor Ušakovs Friday – claim

Take note – story published 5 years and 3 months ago

On April 5 Environment Minister Juris Pūce (Development/For!) will hold a press conference presenting the results of a legal probe into the work of the Rīga City Council. 

Unconfirmed information obtained by LETA suggests that a decree has been drawn up on sacking Rīga mayor Nils Ušakovs (Harmony).

Under the Law on Local Governments, the environmental protection and regional development minister has the authority to fire the head of a local council who fails to perform his or her office duties properly.

The dismissed council chair then has 30 days to appeal the minister’s decision in court.

This only concerns Rīga mayor, as the Environment Ministry earlier ruled out sacking the entire council

The Environment Ministry earlier received a report from Rīga mayor with explanations about alleged violations in Rīgas Satiksme municipal transport company and the city council’s work.

As reported extensively by LSM, Rīgas Satiksme and other municipal companies have been drawn into the largest scandal yet for the city, under the rule of Harmony for the past ten years; the graft case involves alleged bribery in municipal tenders worth hundreds of millions of euros. 

Early on, the scandal saw Rīga vice-mayor Andris Ameriks (Honor to Serve Rīga) resign after a disastrous television appearance in which reporters showed footage of Ameriks meeting a suspect in the case.

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